How Do You Spell, “Love?”

Piglet: How do you spell “love” Pooh? 
Pooh: You don’t spell it, you feel it. 


Happy Valentines Day, y’all!!

Whether you’re spending the day loving your partner, significant other, family, girlfriends, or the most important – your true, real, unique, amazing & incredible dang self!

Enjoy it – smile, eat, dance, sing. Let all that you do be in love.

Eat that cookie.

Drink the rosé.

Snack on that chocolate.

Throw your sparkle everywhere.

photography by: Rachael Serra Photography

And most of all, do what makes YOU happy today – celebrate love in all the forms it comes. But, know one of the most valuable actions you can do today is to make someone else feel loved too. After all, love is simply a word until someone brings it to life and gives it meaning! You can put a price on the power of love.


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Talk soon!